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Please see below for a list of services I provide for both fiction and non-fiction. Don't worry if you're not quite sure what is best for you. Drop me a line and we can discuss the best approach!

Manuscript Assessments

I will read your manuscript in full and provide a written report, focusing on what's working and what I feel needs a little more thought: this covers areas such as plotting and structure, character development, dialogue, style, pace, voice etc. In essence, this is a big picture overview with constructive, solutions-focused feedback.

Developmental / Structural Editing

With a developmental edit (sometimes called structural editing), I will read your manuscript and make notes as I go, as well as using track changes on Word to suggest edits and changes, all with a view to improving structure, flow, pacing, etc. This is most appropriate for someone who has perhaps had some feedback already and is now looking for a comprehensive edit.

Agent Query Letter Review (+ chapters & synopsis)

I will review (or help you write) your agent query letter to create something professional and eye-catching for agents – I can also review/edit your synopsis and the initial chapters of your manuscript.

Line Editing / Copy Editing / Proofreading

You're happy with where your manuscript is, but now you're looking for a final pair of eyes on it – to fix grammar and spelling and to fine tune all your sentences for the best possible flow. I will give your manuscript that final, professional polish.


As your coach, I can read and report back on your writing, as well as scheduling regular zoom calls to check in on your progress and help problem solve, or just be someone to use as a sounding board.

Not sure what you need?

No problem! Drop me a line and we can figure it out. I offer free 15-min Zoom consultations where we can see what might best suit your needs.

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